
What is Metamask?

Metamask is a software cryptocurrency wallet that can store, send and receive cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

Metamask is available to anyone and free to use, and can be added as a browser extension on a PC or installed as an app on a smartphone.

* Please note that the use of Metamask requires specialized knowledge such as cryptocurrency. We do not provide explanations on how to use Metamask or virtual currency, so please use at your own risk only if you are already familiar with it.

How to use NFTs

Those who have an official NFT issued by Tokyo-Hot on Metamask can log in to Tokyo-Hot. When you connect your Metamask from "Connect Wallet" in the upper menu, available NFTs will be displayed, so select the NFT and log in.

You can use Tokyo-Hot services with the NFT types and tier accordingly.

Please read through the following page for NFTs issued by Tokyo-Hot.

Tokyo-Hot NFT and Crypto Projects

How to join Tokyo-hot with cryptocurrency

In the future, we are currently developing to make it possible to join Tokyo-Hot with cryptocurrency.

Metamask is required, so if you wish to pay with cryptocurrency please check out about Metamask in advance.