
My download limit for the 24 hour period has been exceeded but I want to download more! What can I do!?

You have a lot of movies you want to download, but you have already reached that day's limit, what would you do? Do you wait until 5:00 a.m. Japan time when the daily download limit is reset? You don't have to.

There is a system called J-Points that is useful at such times. J-Points are points that can only be used in TokyoHot .

J-Points can be used not only when you don't have enough GB left but also when you want to download more movies and you want to avoid having GB left over. Or your DL limit has been reached and you do not want to wait for the daily limit re-set.

It is useful when you have GBs left over from your daily limit but you need more GBs to download an extra video.

The download limits are set at 6GB, 8GB, 12GB, etc. depending on the plan you choose. However, movie files sizes are different, such as 1.45GB or 5.647GB, so it may not always be possible to make good use of the download capacity for a particular day, right?

You want to download the movie and it's size is 1.445GB, but 1.314GB are left as shown in the image above. Such a waste not use this capacity to the maximum! J-Points can eliminate such a wasteful feeling and frustration.

When downloading a movie, it is also possible to choose whether to download the missing download capacity using J-Points or not. The movie you want to download as shown in the image above is 1.445GB, while the downloadable amount left for this day is 1.314GB. If you decide to download the movie by using 131 J-Points (0.131GB), check the check box and click the download button. Then download will start.

Be assured that no J-Points are used if the check box is clicked as long as you haven't exceeded the daily limit

J-Points can be added and managed from My Page after logging in!

You can check and add J-Points on My Page after logging in. However, if you do not create a J-Point account, you will not be able to purchase J-Points, so it is recommended that you also create a J-Points account when you join Tokyo Hot JAV.

J-Points can be added and managed from My Page after logging in!

There is a chance to increase J-Points with continuous membership and event benefits!

J Points can be earned in addition to purchasing from My Page. If you participate in an occasional event, you will also have a chance to earn J-Points, so please join us at the event. The event will be announced in the e-mail magazine and the top page of the TOKYO HOT JAV site as shown in the image below, so let's not forget to check it out! In addition, the longer you continue your membership, there is a benefit that J-Points are accumulated, so the longer you are a member, the more you earn free J-Points!

Note: This service is only available for those who use JSKYPRO payment. If you are using JSKY Payment, we will give you a 10% extension reward instead of J-Points

Please note that your J-Points account is separate from your TokyoHot account. To create a J-Points account, please register from "If you do not have a J-Points account" on My Page after logging in. Just click "Create a J-Points account (free of charge)".

For frequently asked questions about J-Points, please refer to the J-Points FAQ.
