
TokyoHot Offers Unlimited Streaming Playback!Watch your favorite movies right away without downloading!

Previously, you had to download movies before you watch them but now a long-awaited streaming option has arrived!

With the ability to stream, you can watch videos without downloading them, saving you not only your daily DL space, but also saving time.

Streaming our movies is so easy!

After becoming a member, log in and click a movie you want to watch.


When you scroll to the center of the movie page, you'll find a section titled "Streaming" in the right side menu. Just click "Play" button.

The playback-only page opens in a separate tab. Click the play button or click the video to stream the movie of your choice.

When you play a video, you can personalize the advanced settings for the video.

1, You can watch the video on full screen. Click the same button again or press Esc to return to the original screen size.

2, You can move the seek bar and move to any scene you like. You can also press the left and right side of the cross key on the keyboard to fast forward, rewind, or press the spacebar to pause.

3, You can adjust the volume. Please note the initial volume is set to 0 during playback.

4, You can choose the resolution of all videos.

Watch unlimited uncensored videos at TokyoHot, anytime, anywhere, as much as you want!
